About us

ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a primary source of research and perspectives from the world's leading thinkers across a broad spectrum of computing disciplines. SIGs foster the technical communities within their respective specialties and aim to advance the skills of their members, keeping them abreast of emerging trends and offering opportunities for networking with colleagues. SIGs publish newsletters and magazines, encourage excellence through multiple recognition programs, and organize conferences and activities on a local-to-global scale.

team photo

What we do?

The SRM ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) Student Chapter is an official student body incepted in 2016 under the aegis of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRMIST. Utility of an organisation stands on the pillars of what we contribute and how you give back. We, at SRM ACM Student Chapter inculcate these ethos. We provide plethora of opportunities for networking, mentoring and bonding over common interests (via SIGs). They provide support both within the student community and to local communities outside the institution. Apart from being outreach to Next Tech Lab we are also in collaboration with other clubs/communities at the campus, be it SRMkZilla and Sector 443 Cyber Security commune. Out-campus collaborations like the one with ascend our reach even further. Being a part of the chapter, you get to organise events and be at the epicentre of them. Interacting with the professionals post the events and networking propel the entire Chapter.

SIG Chapters


The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction is the world's largest association of professionals who work in the research and practice of computer-human interaction. We are an interdisciplinary group of computer scientists, software engineers, psychologists, interaction designers, graphic designers, sociologists and multi-media designers just to name some of the domains whose special expertise come to bear in this area. What brings us together is a shared understanding that designing useful and usable technology is an interdisciplinary process, and when done properly it has the power to transform persons' lives.


ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (SIGAI) serves as a community for AI researchers to connect, learn, share insights, advance the field, and contribute back to the community. The scope of SIGAI consists of the study of intelligence and its realization in computer systems. SIGAI's mission is to promote and support AI-related conferences. Members receive reduced registration rates to all affiliated conferences. Members also receive proceedings from the major SIGAI-sponsored conferences.


Women in computing have shaped the evolution of informational technology. They were among the first programmers in the early 20th century and contributed substantially to the industry. It is time more women express their innovative ideas through computation and SRM ACM provides an incredible platform for women to participate and grow together